Tuesday, May 24, 2011

We're still here then...for now.

Still here then? World didn't end? Oh well, business as usual. I wonder if some people secretly want it to end so they have an excuse not to do anything...talk about lazy. Anyway, the Kaeshammer show was fantastic. What amazing talent. And the musicians were clearly having a lot of fun. Kaeshammer really is a phenomenal pianist/musician and I am surprised that he isn't more well known. I first bought one of his CDs back in 2000. It was a really fun night out and it was great to spend time with Wendy. Thanks Simon for being out of town so that I was Wendy's date.

Bronwyn and Gala collecting shells

Finally, we got not 1...not 2...but 3.... yes 3, consecutive days of sunshine and warmth last week. A taste of summer...I hope. We made it down to the beach every day and it felt like old times; hanging out while the kids were looking for shells and crabs and digging in the sand. Eating ice-creams and fries bought from the concession. Great fun.

In the above picture (taken by Mike), Bronwyn ran after, and collected, a plastic bag that was blowing along the beach, "So that it wouldn't kill the sea animals". What a back drop. Such a beautiful place to grow up.

 Bronwyn (with lizard face-paint) digging with Nicky (pic by Mike)

Of course, the weather changed in time for the long weekend. But that was okay. I had planned to have a clear-out of the house and garage and that is what happened. I spent all day Sunday (without rest) clearing out the garage, the cupboards, the house, you name it. It felt good...as if I'd taken a power washer and washed through the house. It was much needed and my brain feels less cluttered as a result. I could go another tier and really get rid of stuff, but I think I'll leave it for now. Mark went out and got plants and soil for the deck and it is starting to take shape and look good.

I put this little contraption in the yard for the kids. Our neighbours gave it to us because they were throwing it out (I know, more garbage I collected). I just had to fix the elastic on the edges and re-tie it and hey presto...a bouncing thing for kids who, as we all know, like nothing better than to bounce. Around this neighbourhood there are quite a few yards filled with huge trampolines. You put your kids in and zip it up and they stay in there bouncing up and down for hours and leave you alone. Only thing is you need a huge garden...and when I think about them, they are weird. I also created a sandpit for the kids. All in all, a busy weekend.

Fries at the beach. River's favourite!

On Saturday I attended a writing workshop. I felt I needed a bit of a push and some direction. It was a really useful workshop and it was good to meet other people who would like to write. I have let things slide over the past while and it was good to get a bit of a kick start. Lately, I have met a couple of people who are willing to share and give/receive feedback on writing. I'm looking forward to having something that I can get feedback on. Well, I should say I'm looking forward to finishing something. I have decided to be stricter with my time and more disciplined. No matter how busy I am. There will be more fish sticks and cans of soup for dinner. Any complaints? Well, I think we all know how to use the kitchen equipment, don't we? I am wasting too much of my life doing chores...endless, thankless, and boring.  On top of all River's stuff, it is more than full-time work. Come January I will likely be back working for a money. At this point I cannot imagine how I will even have time to sleep when that time comes. There will have to be some changes to compensate and we may as well start now.

An update on Stefan: he is doing much better. Still on a lot of medication and still having good days and bad days, but overall he is gaining weight and having more good days than bad days. All going well he will be back home on June 6, the day before his 8th birthday...a birthday that we thought he might not see.


Cooking and Screaming said...

You did go to the workshop? Excellent! We should schedule some time each week to sit and write, either together or separately, and keep each other accountable. Or something.

The Kaeshammer concert was brilliant. And it was so nice to hang out with you again!

(Word verification: mingsi. What's it trying to tell me?)

Katrina said...

Great photos from the beach - perfect way to spend the few nice days we've had this year!

Good for you on the writing workshop too - I'd also be happy to give you feedback, but I may be biased because I even love the way you write your blog :-)

Look forward to joining you all at the beach if we get another nice day.....sometime.

Victoria said...

@ Wendy...I think that is a great idea. I'll em you about it.
@ Trini...I look forward to it too. Not much we can say about the weather. Summer will come...surely!