Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Oh what fun we had!

We had so much fun this weekend when I went camping with Bronwyn and her friend Nicky. Up until the last minute we thought the weather was going to be terrible, and I almost cancelled. Even as we left there was a hailstorm in Vancouver. No point in going on about the crappy, rainy Spring weather we have been experiencing. 

Having fun in the rain on the lakeside trail
As it turned out, the rain came and went and by Saturday afternoon it had gone completely. Sunday was a beautiful warm and sunny day. The kids had a blast and so did I. It was actually more fun than I anticipated. They are good friends and just listening to their conversations was worth the trip. A little portal into the world of 6 year old kids with few constraints on their time, and when they are free to explore, make discoveries, get dirty, and have fun.

The above picture was taken after they been jumping, fully clothed, into a mud pit. Bronwyn is trying to help Nicky take his mud and water filled boots off. I tried to stay in the background; providing (near constant) food, clean clothes, some safety tips (NO! you cannot cross the rapids on that unstable slippery log) and a goodnight kiss.

They both posed for this picture...very cute

We went on a couple of long walks and even found a trail that we didn't know existed. It was a lovely gentle walk around the other side of the lake that led to a fast flowing stream, which I believe is called Mahood Creek. Nicky carried slugs along, much to the shrieking delight and grossed-outness of Bronwyn.

The amazing Slug-boy!
 The Spring run off is in full force and the water was churning and frothing; flowing noisily around rocks and fallen logs. We could hear the roar of the running water get louder as we approached. It was quite impressive and the kids had a great time jumping rocks and throwing stones and sticks into the torrent.

Racing sticks through the torrent

From there we scrambled up a hill and found ourselves on a logging road. We explored the area for a while. There was a curious clay underfoot...it moved and turned liquid when we stepped on it. Bronwyn and Nicky were fascinated by it.  However, the kids, and me, found the area kind of eerie. Nicky said, "This is like a place in a dream. If I was dreaming that I was here, then I'd probably pee my bed." I knew what he meant. It did have a strange, otherworldly feeling. I suppose trees are meant to be there, not stumps and piles of discarded wood. An odd, but interesting, landscape.

Later, as promised, I said we could go fishing. Bronwyn and Nicky wanted to fish off the dock, but I knew we wouldn't catch any fish there. Still, they insisted; some universal image they both had in mind that one must fish off a dock. There is a spot just around the lake that is good for fishing. Anyway, they only lasted about 5 minutes before they tired of it and ran off, calling back to me to let them know when I caught a fish. Which, of course, I didn't....because I was fishing off the dock. Sigh. Bronwyn held the rod briefly...but that was about it for her.

They really had a lot of fun splashing in the mud puddle at the campsite. Sliding down a log and landing thigh deep in a mud pit...I doubt their clothes will ever come clean again. But that's okay. I just hope that their memories of our trip will last at least as long as the mud stains on their clothes.

A little blurred...but Bronwyn's smile is priceless


Wendy Flawn said...

What treasured moments, sounds like you need a pickle jar, a really big one!

Keep having fun.


Katrina said...

Another incredible collection of magical moments and captured in some beautiful photography - more for that ginormous pickle jar.

It's lovely, enviable and warms the cockles of my heart (whatever they might be).


Laurie said...

Gorgeous trip! We need to plan one with our girls....