Wednesday, May 18, 2011


Seems to be a writing lull these days. Not sure why. I am looking forward to tonight. My friend, Wendy, and I are going to see Michael Kaeshammer, phenomenal jazz pianist and singer. Can't wait. Here is a Youtube clip of "Lovelight" from his last album. He is playing tonight with Jill Barber (who I have mentioned before). I hope he brings out some boogie woogie; that is his forte.

Some good music coming out lately, Kate Bush just released a new album. I preordered this album from itunes. It has been released and I have not got my copy. Lesson: do NOT pre-order albums from stupid itunes. Bon Iver is releasing a new album in June. I am really excited to listen to new material (or reworked material in Kate Bush's case) from a couple of artists that I love.

I went to visit Stefan and Erin at Sunny Hill yesterday. Stefan is doing much better; although it is still a bit up and down. He got a double ear-infection; he doesn't seem to catch a break! Sunny Hill feels less clinical than Children's Hospital. There is a school there and a swimming pool and stuff for the kids and parents to do. It was good to see him looking so much better. And he is gaining weight.

Right now it is a beautiful sunny day and I should go for a walk to the beach. That is why I live here after all!

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