Friday, May 13, 2011

Have peas and quit

This is the card that Bronwyn made me for Mother's Day. So cute. "I hope you'll have peas and quit from now on". Oh Bronwyn, if only it were that simple.

It was a pretty good Mother's Day...exactly the kind of day I wanted. Lounging around all day in my pajamas. Time to read, knit, and surf the internet; guilt-free and without distraction. Mark took the kids swimming for the afternoon. Bliss. But it was already a week ago!

I have been trying to ignore the piles of stuff everywhere that are slowly driving me mad. How did we get this much's everywhere? Bits of paper, books, crafts, objects collected or brought home from beaches and parks that defy categorization. Stuff that trails behind Bronwyn like she's some sort of one-girl stuff gathering magnet. My constant nagging to clean up does nothing except move piles of stuff from one place to another.The garage is full of stuff that is in a kind of limbo; not quite got rid of, but no longer needed. It needs to be got rid of. I am by no means blameless. The stuff that I have dragged from other people's garbage; the lawn mower that doesn't work, even though the handwritten sign taped to it said that it did work (liars!). The mini-trampoline that needs to be fixed...the chair that I will, I promise I will, sand and repaint. Stuff we don't need or want. Where does it come from? How does it accumulate so fast? Time is the other thing. There is just never enough time. I am constantly amazed at how fast the days go by and how little I appear to accomplish as each morning turns to dusk. "Time, time, time, look what's become of me, while I looked around for my possibilities."

Stefan is doing better and he has been transferred to Sunny Hill, which is more of a rehabilitation and respite centre. When I saw him he was relaxed in bed and no longer has an IV. I took River along and Stefan smiled as River jumped up and down. On Mother's day he was able to sit in his chair outside for a while. Erin and Hogie are beyond exhausted...but fortunately there seems to be some light at the end of this long tunnel. The possibility of going home is becoming real.

Bronwyn has invited friends over for a movie night tonight. I think we're watching "Bolt". She is very excited. I suppose I sometimes take for granted the fact that I grew up with siblings. Growing up, at least in the younger years, there were always kids coming and going in our house or yard. So I will serve up some pizza and ice-cream and the kids can kick back and enjoy each others company.


Wendy Flawn said...

I am glad you got some peas and quit! Mine was similar although a while ago, a day in the garden with all amusing themselves somewhere else. Bliss as you say.


Victoria said...

I'm glad you got a rest...I cannot believe how busy you are. Hope things are okay with you. xx

Katrina said...

Never underestimate the power of peas and quit. :-) Sounds like the perfect mother's day, glad you got to enjoy it.

I hear you on the 'stuff' thing, I keep clearing things out only to find the space filled instantly by more stuff...I must have my own magnet. Just watch a couple of episodes of 'Hoarders' on TLC - makes you want to get rid of everything :-)

Great to hear Stefan's doing better.


Laurie said...

Glad you had a great mother's day... I got a card from Odelia, Dave and Cooper....cute and love

Decluttering never never ends ...Ugh
Sending prayers to stefan and your family

Helen said...

really love the peas and quit.
the things they write at this age are beautiful!