Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Long Winter

Stefan was doing a little better yesterday. Quite sedated, but looking at us. A smile radiating now and then from his sweet little face; relaxed and laying on his back. All going well, he should be able to move to Canuck Place soon. Much needed respite for him and for his mum and dad.

We have had a couple of gorgeous Spring days. Summer is just around the corner. And happy birthday to my sister (May 1st). I'm looking forward to sharing a couple of drinks tonight. I hope she likes her present...there was self-interest involved.

A poem for Spring.

Long Winter

So much I've forgotten
the grass

the birds
the close insects

the shoot—the drip—
the spray of the sprinkler

the heat of the Sun

the impossible

the flush of your face
so much

the high noon
the high grass

the patio ice cubes
the barbeque

the buzz of them—
the insects

the weeds—the dear
weeds—that grow

like alien life forms—
all Dr. Suessy and odd—

here we go again¬—
we are turning around

again—this will all
happen over again—

and again—it will—

"Long Winter" by Timothy J. Nolan.

Writer's Almanac, April 1, 2011.

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