Friday, April 29, 2011

The week

It's been a relatively quiet  and sad week. Little Stefan took a turn for the worse and had to return to ICU. We are all very worried about him. It is extremely serious. He was recovering well - on Monday Bronwyn and I saw him and Erin and he looked so relaxed; laying in his hospital bed and even smiling. Watching Bronwyn intently. On the way home Bronwyn said she wanted to invite Stefan to her birthday party. She wants to have a "Dog" birthday party and said that during the 4-legged race she would push Stefan in his wheelchair (Stefan has cerebral palsy). She knows if she was racing on all fours she would leave the other kids in the dust. It is wonderful how readily children accept differences. I would like to see that "4-legged" race more than anything else I can think of.

We dropped off a care package; an idea from a friend who had to spend a long time in hospital watching over her seriously ill husband. It is full of things that you might need if you were in that situation. I will write the list out in a future post in case anyone reading knows of someone who has to spend an extended time in hospital with their sick child or partner. Most parents of very sick children try to get what sleep they can in uncomfortable chairs or small cots. Often they cannot leave the ward; they can be up all night unable to even get a cup of coffee or a snack. This happens to partners too. I have in my mind to try to organize care packages for people who find themselves in those terrible situations. I need to look into the logistics; how to get donations/put them together/distribute etc.

But our thoughts are with Stefan and his family. There isn't much I can say - it is heartbreaking. Testing the limits of their endurance and they need all the love and support, and prayers, if you pray, that they can get. And we hope against all odds that he can pull through this and recover. Return home and be with his mum, dad and big brother. All together again.

Bronwyn and I are going camping for the weekend. Let's hope the weather holds and that by Sunday, when we get back, there is some good news.


Katrina said...

I'm glad Stefan was a little better for your last visit and I'll definitely pray that he finds the strength, from all those that love him so deeply, to pull through this and to go home again with his wonderful family.

How thoughtful to make up a care package, very appreciated I'm sure.

Sending warm thoughts, big hugs and hopes for a 4-legged race.


Victoria said...

@ Trini, I'm sure they appreciate all the prayers they can get. It is looking very serious right now and he is very ill. The focus is on trying to keep him comfortable and he is preparing to go to Canuck Place Hospice. It is sad and distressing xx