Saturday, April 23, 2011


It doesn't seem that long ago that we were making up clues and hiding eggs around the house. Time for a bit of honesty this year, I think. I confessed to Bronwyn that I don't believe in the Easter Bunny. There's just some things I can't lie about. A fat guy in a red suit who travels the whole world in one night using magic flying reindeer, delivering presents made by his helpers that look suspiciously store bought, I can do. But not the bunny. She asked me and I said, "No, I don't believe in the Easter Bunny". To support my opinion I added that it was highly unlikely, given what we know about rabbits, that a bunny would go around hiding chocolate eggs any time of the year. I felt some short-lived sense of relief. After a pause she said, "Well, you believe in the Easter fairy".
- Huh?  "What easter fairy?".
She then recalled an Easter "incident" from long ago (when she was about 3) and I was probably a little less jaded. We had bought her an Easter present and, it's true, I do remember saying it was from the Easter fairy. Why? I don't know. Although I actually have no problem believing in fairies (of the woodland variety). After all, there is photographic evidence. How can we forget the Cottingley Fairies...? Okay, the photographs may have been fake, but that doesn't mean they didn't see fairies.

Also there is a strange, fascinating, and beautifully illustrated book, "Faeries", by Brian Froud and Alan Lee, which is the definitive guide to fairies and fairy folklore (and not all faeries are nice). Anyway, I had totally forgotten about the fairy incident. I wasn't sure what to say and just ummed and erred until I could change the subject. I'll have to go through the Faeries book with her again...

But, as I've said before, I'm not big into Easter and it is very rare that I find anyone who shares my opinion. I get a distinct 'killjoy" vibe from other parents. Fortunately for me (but probably not for the kids) Mark is not a fan of Easter either. But we'll put an Easter egg hunt together for tomorrow. And we will celebrate Spring. Maybe plant something. I will make an effort, though I am feeling a bit low in spirits and fighting some kind of bug. Where are fairies when you need them? Apparently Stefan is doing a little better today. The sedation has enabled his body to relax and has given him rest...that is some good news!

1 comment:

Laurie said...

The goddess Eastre is bringing new life so take some of the Easter energy to bring you new energy. The eggs are symbolic for new life...for spring...that special time when flowers start to bloom and we can get out in the garden.I am sure there are fairies out in the garden now! Love fairies! The movie is great for the kids...