Sunday, January 23, 2011

The good, the bad, and the gifts

It was a good weekend. I had a sleepover at Michelle's on Friday and that is always fun and relaxing. It reminded me that I neglected to post about the fabulous birthday party that Michelle organized for me and her friend Rikki at the beginning of December last year. (Time moved on quickly and I neglected to post about it). It was a lovely gesture and a very fun party. Michelle found out during a conversation last summer that neither Rikki nor I had ever had a birthday party. It was her mission to rectify this terrible wrong. So she organized a party and invited her mum and dad (my Canadian adopted parents) and her sister and brother in law, their two kids and, of course, Rikki and her husband and son (Caleb). It was such a fun party. She even had some games organized. When she first told me about it I said I didn't want a birthday party (because that's the kind of "fun-killer" I can be). She reassured me that it would be okay and said that if I wanted she would just call it a "get together that just so happened to coincide with our birthdays....and there would be a cake". And what a stunning cake it was....home-made no less! Probably the one and only pink Barbie cake that I will ever get in my life.

Oh yes....a pink Barbie cake!!!
There are other pictures. The guys stood around talking about cameras and comparing the size of zooms, like men do. Lots of pictures were taken...but where are they now? Sitting on a hard-drive no doubt. The only down side of the party was that it was the time that poor Bronwyn had her terrible tooth-ache so, although she had a good time, and loves Michelle's niece and nephew and Rikki's little boy, she was in a a lot of pain. But it was a fun party with wonderful food and company. And now I can't say I never had a birthday party! Thanks to Michelle!

On Saturday we had Kyle, Michelle (different Michelle) and baby Miles over for dinner. We cooked up a big sushi feast (well, Mark did most of the work while I...ahem...supervised...yeah, that's it). It was delicious and yet we took no pictures. What the? I can hardly do this blog thing if I don't take pictures. It looked similar to the picture of last week's sushi. Except we got a new, bigger, table from Ikea. It was a perfect evening. And I got to coo over their beautiful baby. The only hiccup took place just before they left for the night. We heard Bronwyn get out of bed and found that she had puked, really puked. She stood there like some puked-on version of "Carrie" and said, "I've puked, but I feel fine". And indeed she had power-puked. All over herself and her bed. Mark tried to clean her up while exclaiming, "Oh my God...what the won't come off...Jesus Christ!". I had to point out that these remarks (although somewhat involuntary on his part), were not helpful to Bronwyn who was covered in sushi-puke. What IS it with kids and night-puking???

Kyle and Michelle made a hasty dash for the taxi and probably spent the night worrying that we had poisoned them (as did I).  Judging from the amount she regurgitated, Bronwyn ate a lot of sushi. The cheesies, apple pie, ice-cream and chips followed by lots of running around and a late night may not have helped, it has to be noted. Puked up sushi is nasty. Puke in general is not good...but when it's seaweed, rice and's bad. We had to put her in the bath to get it out of her hair etc. Okay, I'll stop with the details. But thank goodness she was okay today and we could call Michelle and Kyle and say they were safe and we hadn't poisoned them after all...phew!

Next it was time to open 2 boxes of goodies sent over by my mum. Trini and Lorne came over and we opened up all kinds of presents and had a great time. Of course, what was missing was my mum. But we opened PJ's, slippers, perfume, books, toys for the kids and all kinds of wonderful things. The gifts were so lovely and thoughtful and it really was a treat to top off the weekend. Thanks so much, mum. We love you and miss you. Aside from the cleaning-up of puke, a good time was had by all!


Katrina said...

That cake's amazing - good job, Michelle!

Bronwyn's pewk story (which she so proudly touted as soon as we arrived yesterday) reminds me of sharing a bedroom with a certain someone who used to do the same exact thing regularly....the name Sicky Vicky comes to mind. Funny that.

Glad you didn't poison anyone, though the very thought of eating sushi makes me feel quite icky.

Victoria said...

hahaha...remember I just put my head out the window that time...took ages for it to wash away yuk!!! I don't think mum ever noticed. haha. You'd certainly be turned off sushi if saw what we did!

Katrina said...

Ahhh such fond memories, yes I remember it well.....too well. ;-)