Thursday, January 20, 2011

Working it out.

So I went to the gym for the first time in ages on Tuesday night. I usually go for a run and have a general hatred of the gym (any gym). The whole thing seems miserable from start to finish; getting up the motivation to go...ugh...driving there, wearing "gym stuff", changing, then negotiating equipment etc., etc. Also there is the fact that I get other anxieties about the gym. I worry all the way there that someone might be on MY piece of equipment. For example, there are only two treadmills, and I have a preference. I get upset if there is someone on mine. I have to go do something else, and  I cannot stop obsessively glancing over at them until they get off. The bike is the same. And then, because I am at the gym, I also have to stretch and do weights. Of course, I don't have to...but I am there and the weights are also there, and it is what you are supposed to do. As well, there are other (less fit) people who are working with weights and they appear to look like they know what they are doing. I, on the other hand, do not know what I am doing. Therefore, my workout with weights consists of me heaving them up and down trying to look like I know what I'm doing. For the most part, I pull this off quite well; maintaining a casual air as I pick free-weights out without too much deliberation. Then I copy moves that other people do. Occasionally, I even lay on my back on the bench and swing weights up and down (very professional looking). Admittedly, I almost dislocate my shoulder. And I fear that the weights will suddenly fall out of my hands and smash into my face and head. So I do get nervous. But perseverance is the name of the game. All for vanity. In fact, the only thing that really gets a work out IS my vanity.

I go to a local community centre gym. It is mainly a gym for people who prefer to stay out of the "gym-light"... At 44 I am one of the youngest people working out and that gives you a boost under any circumstances. Albeit, a slightly misleading boost. Anyone can feel fit and energetic when the person in slow motion beside them is around 90 years old. Why am I going to the gym if I hate it? You may ask. Well, I have to take a break from running. I have been experiencing pain in my foot for a while now. It's been ongoing but, stoic as I am, I just ran with the pain. Strangely enough, when you do that...the pain gets worse. It turns out I have a probable stress fracture in my foot - or toes. This is a stupid injury that is particularly annoying because the pain comes and goes and you think it's gone until you go for a run. There isn't much to be done except rest it. Apparently it takes around 12 weeks to heal. So I have to resort to the stationary bicycle. I can't swim for exercise, because last time I tried that I finished up with calcified tendinitis of my shoulder...very, very painful. So back to the gym and onto the exercise bike. Nothing like biking hard and going nowhere for 45 minutes to make you wonder about the absurdities of life. At least I have my ipod. Heal foot, damn you!

The other night I happened to see some people doing some kind of aerobics exercise/dance thing. I have always hated the thought of attending an aerobic class. Just no. But this looked more like dancing and it suddenly occurred to me that it's been ages and ages since I danced - except a bit with the kids. So I'm signing up for Jazzercise - see what it's about. At the very least it will get my body moving. I'll let you know how it goes.


Katrina said...

I hear ya - I sometimes feel like a kid again, 'It's MY turn, you're not even using it, why can't I have a go? It's not fair.' Thankfully there are a few more available where I go, so it doesn't happen too often.

I'm a big fan of the gym workout, despite having literally dislocated my shoulder on a machine before now -Note to self: avoid the 'shoulder press' when you've got a dodgey shoulder.

I'll show you around the weight machines & such if you like - I was taught by a Terminator-looking woman many years ago, who threatened to beat me if I did things the wrong way.

Hope your foot heals soon.

Victoria said...

Thanks for the offer....but that gym doesn't actually have many "machines"'s all free-weights. But I'm afraid it's just not me and as soon as I can I will be outta there and back running! xxx