Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Old friends

Recently, I was thinking about friends and friendships, past and present, and I began to wonder why one relatively good (or so I thought) friendship had lapsed. There seemed to be no reason that I could think of aside from busy-ness, work etc., Mind you, a couple of my longstanding friendships did fade away during the time that I was receiving treatment for breast cancer and I still haven't worked out why. Anyway, I emailed this particular friend and said I was sorry that we had become disconnected and hoped it was nothing that I had said or done (which is entirely likely). I filled her in on some of the details of the past year or so (including breast cancer and autism) and said it would be great to get together again. No reply.

A few weeks later I wrote again and said that I could only assume that she did not want to remain in contact and so I simply wished her and her family "all the best". It's life. Not all friendships, or relationships, are meant to last, despite what Facebook (the life support for dead friendships) would have us believe. This time she wrote back very quickly and tersely remarked that she works full-time and was therefore too busy to reply to my previous email. She didn't address anything else in my previous email, not a thing. She did add, however, that if I happened to be in her town one day and just so happened to bump into her, it would be lovely to see me. I have to give credit where credit is due. That was a very polite way of saying that unless complete coincidence puts us in the same place at the same time she doesn't want anything to do with me. If we do happen to "bump" into each other, she won't actually blank me. Classic. I wish I had thought of it. I, on the other hand, will completely ignore her.


Katrina said...

Unbelievable! It's such a shame to realize that she was perhaps never really a true friend in the first place. I don't understand it, especially at a time in your life when 'real' friends would be there for you, but I respect your attempt to breach the mysterious void.

Watch you don't accidentally 'bump' into her too hard - if and when.

Cooking and Screaming said...

Wow, that's... wow. (Thought you were talking about me for a sec, 'cos we've tried for two years to get together and failed parlously, but... phew.)

I'm guessing that she's awfully uncomfortable about something in your effort to reconnect. Whatever it is, I can only think you're better off without such a person in your life. She sounds kind of poisonous; now, if she wasn't before. :(

You deserve better than that. See ya never, sunshine!

Victoria said...

Oh,no,no, Wendy...not you! lol. Has it been two years? Shit. Okay, we must rectify that soon. Let's plan something. I'll email you.xxx

@Trini - yes, it was a bit of surprise. I suppose you learn who your friends really are. And,how can she not like me...I mean really!