Sunday, November 14, 2010

Day 3...

Day 3 of my captivity. The small people continue their relentless campaign to destroy my will and turn me into their slave. Right now the furry-headed one appears to be taking a break from asking endless repetitive questions, banging doors, and throwing lego. He appears to be "resting". But I cannot be sure, he could be planning the next move. The angry-sick one is laying on the couch demanding more snacks while watching the millionth episode of Scooby Doo in a row. I have managed to sneak away and get to the computer on the pretext of providing more snacks...the interminable snacks! I have lost the desire to shower. Getting dressed seems pointless. The sleep-deprivation tactic is working. They take turns to sleep while the other one calls out and demands my attention. This keeps me awake all night. A simple, yet effective strategy. Even if I could sleep I would dream of Shaggy and Scooby; providing them endless Scooby snacks while children looked on, laughing hysterically and throwing lego. And there would probably be a clown somewhere.


Katrina said...

I'm scared for your sanity.....beware the small people for they are incredibly cunning and devious in their methods. Stay strong or forever withold snacks.

Victoria said...

yes..there are times when I swear I have been abducted by aliens. Vic