Monday, November 15, 2010

Don't Do That - Stephen Dunn

Don't Do That

It was bring-your-own if you wanted anything
hard, so I brought Johnnie Walker Red
along with some resentment I’d held in
for a few weeks, which was not helped
by the sight of little nameless things
pierced with toothpicks on the tables,
or by talk that promised to be nothing
if not small. But I’d consented to come,
and I knew what part of the house
their animals would be sequestered,
whose company I loved. What else can I say,

except that old retainer of slights and wrongs,
that bad boy I hadn’t quite outgrown—
I’d brought him along, too. I was out
to cultivate a mood. My hosts greeted me,
but did not ask about my soul, which was when
I was invited by Johnnie Walker Red
to find the right kind of glass, and pour.
I toasted the air. I said hello to the wall,
then walked past a group of women
dressed to be seen, undressing them
one by one, and went up the stairs to where

the Rottweilers were, Rosie and Tom,
and got down with them on all fours.
They licked the face I offered them,
and I proceeded to slick back my hair
with their saliva, and before long
I felt like a wild thing, ready to mess up
the party, scarf the hors d’oeuvres.
But the dogs said, No, don’t do that,
calm down, after a while they open the door
and let you out, they pet your head, and everything
you might have held against them is gone,
and you’re good friends again. Stay, they said.

From The New Yorker: June 8, 2009
I really like this poem...not sure I can articulate why. It captures...something. I haven't posted a poem in a while so I think I'll get back to it. Maybe on Mondays...of another day of the week. I wish I could write poetry...surely I'm self-absorbed enough. Hmmm, I should say "introspective", that's sounds much better. Perhaps there is hope for me.


claire said...

It is a really nice piece of writing. I really enjoyed it. I am sure you have it in you to write that wonderfully too. Give it a shot!

Katrina said...

I love this poem - it says so much about the simplistic, all-forgiving compassion, of our four-legged friends and their comforting, mood-altering magic. Can't deny I've sometimes felt the same way at 'gatherings' - I guess screaming isn't always an option.

And Clare's right, I'm sure - I know - you have it in you to write beautiful poetry.

Victoria said...

awww, thanks for your comments..(blush). I probably have it IN me... I just can't get it out. Or maybe I'm too self-critical.