Friday, November 12, 2010

The blahs...

I have been at a low ebb over the past few days. Not sure what is up. Maybe it's the early onset of the "winter blahs". Maybe I really do need to find some time to be creative. Or time for myself...I don't know. I hate when I feel this way. On top of feeling low you have to deal with the guilt...because, of course, I am lucky. Things could be worse. I should count my blessings. Countless other cliches I can call on. And I do.

It feels like it has been weeks since everyone in the family was healthy. Now Bronwyn is sick (again). She has been really run-down over the past couple of days. I felt so bad for her today. She's been excitedly looking forward to her first real sleepover with her friend Gala. It was going to be tonight. But all day she was languid; laying on the couch with no energy to do anything. And usually Bronwyn just doesn't do languid. Under normal circumstances she can't even sit through a movie. She wasn't even arguing with me; a sure sign that something is up. She really wanted to go, so we gave it a try. Stoic as she is, she wasn't having fun and I could see that it was only going to get worse. So I ended up bringing her home, with promises of trying again when she felt better, but disappointing her and Gala. Another weekend to cancel plans that we had made to do fun stuff; ice-skating, swimming, play-dates. Blah blah...this too shall pass. I hope she feels better soon...before cabin fever sets in (for me anyway).

1 comment:

Nicole Pilich said...

I wont hold it against her for getting sick and not making it through the playdate, it was afterall one of her first and to be sick on it, what fun is that? She is welcome anytime she feels up to it, just say the word!