Thursday, November 4, 2010

Can I have more want?

That is one of my favourite River phrases. That and, "I wanna don't want it". He has spent a good deal of time learning Applied Verbal Behaviour and learning ways to ask for the things that he wants. Getting what you want is a reinforcement and encourages further asking (something like that)..."Manding" is the terminology. So much of our communication is made up of demands or commands (e.g., "I'm hungry", "What time is it?", "Play with me", "Turn it off!"). The theory is that "Manding" is the first step in teaching language because it is based on motivation. I don't know...I feel like I need to go back to university to understand all this stuff sometimes. They should have a course just in dealing with the Ministry. Anyway, he's learned various ways of asking for things, "Please can I have...", "I need...", I want" etc. So if he can't figure out exactly what he wants, or can't find the vocabulary, then he says very politely, "Please can I have more want?" And who doesn't want more want?

Thursday already. I have kept River home from school so that he has an extra day to recover from his flu. He continued to have a high temperature right through to Tuesday. He is better today, but school seems to take a lot out of him and he seems exhausted and not himself when he gets home. I'm sure it is good for him, and necessary, but it is definitely not easy. He handles it well considering it must be so confusing and somewhat isolating.

We are dog-sitting Arthur today (King Arthur as I like to call him). It's nice to have a dog around...though we're nowhere near ready to get another one.

We took a walk on the Canyon Loop trail at Pacific Spirit Park. It's a great walk to do in the fall; all blazing golds and reds and carpeted with Maple leaves, although I think the best of the colour is over. Still, we had a good walk.

River made it all the way round (although there was some whining, coercion, and bribery involved), Arthur was in his element and was a kind of manic canine blur, excitedly running back and forth. But he stayed close-ish...and followed River every time he went ahead.  It was good to get out in the trails again...with a dog. Thanks Nicole and Gala.


Anonymous said...

Love the pic with the lolly!

Nicole Pilich said...

And thanks to you for giving him the walk. He was much happier today!!

Victoria said...

You are very welcome, Nicole. Anytime xx