Sunday, November 7, 2010

Weekend "highlights"

Got up bright and early Saturday and met up with Jo who showed me how to make some picture boards for River using "Boardmaker" software. Boardmaker is an educational software tool, containing thousands of pictures and symbols, used to make materials such as schedules, communication boards, etc. I have had the software for a while but (being a visual learner), I needed someone to show me how to use it. So we made some communication boards for River; places we go, things he likes to do, things we do at the park, etc. We will get conversation out of him, damn it!

Then on to get a haircut and colour from Martin at Red Square Salon. This was a gift from Martin for having finished all the cancer treatments; something to help me feel good again. He offered me this gift some time ago, but it's taken me a while to get myself downtown. I don't know why because it is always a treat! Actually, I have been growing my hair out. Only 2 years ago my hair was a short bob, but I am liking it longer. Martin put in some very subtle highlights. I ummed and errred because colour is a commitment...and I am afraid of commitment, but they look great. My sister and I have been going to Martin for probably over 10 years. It's a family affair because he also cuts Mark's hair...and Lorne's too. We always have a great conversation and a good laugh and, of course, he always gives a great haircut.

One of the pleasures of going to Martin is the location of his salon; in what was the old British Columbia Securities Building on Pender and Homer. Built in 1912, it is a beautiful nine-storey brick, stone, and glazed terra cotta building in the Chicago style. There are a few beautiful "heritage" buildings in Vancouver. Many of them are towards the east of downtown reflecting a period of massive economic growth in BC following the 1st World War and the arrival of the railways. For a time this area of Vancouver was the economic hub of the city.

The interior of the building is full of wonderful details like marble wainscotting and frosted glass doors leading off tiled hallways. You almost expect to catch a glimpse of Sam Spade, sitting in his dark office, smoke drifting and swirling from his cigarette. Anyway, a big thank you to Martin. It was a pleasure, as always!

Trini met up with me, but my attempt to extend my "kid-free" time and go try on shoes and clothes and other shopping related things were thwarted. Mark had to take the van to get an oil-change so we had to come back home...sigh. Another time perhaps.

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