Monday, November 1, 2010

Good medicine...

Back to Jonsi...I posted about the Jonsi concert and album back in April. The album has remained on my playlist on and off since then. He played "Grow Till Tall" for his encore in Vancouver and it sent chills down my spine. Recently, I have fallen in love with this album all over again, and this song in particular. In my opinion it is totally inspired. My prescription for any low feelings right now is to play "Grow Till Tall" through headphones as loud as I can stand it. Preferably laying back on the grass, or on a bench, staring up at the clouds through tree branches; the clouds moving across the sky while leaves are spinning, drifting, and falling. Five minutes of bliss (for me..Jericho Park, or post-run in Hastings Mill Park). Repeat as necessary, or if symptoms persist.

I would have posted the live (Vancouver) version...but the sound was bad. Incidentally, you can listen to the whole album on Jonsi's website:

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