Wednesday, September 8, 2010

September? Back to school?!?! What??

How the hell did that happen? I was lazing around on the beach enjoying summer when all of a sudden September knocks on the door and brings with it a whole pile of stuff-to-do. Very quickly the pile turned into a snowball and it's started rolling down a hill; things are accelerating very rapidly.

Bronwyn has her first full day at school today. She didn't even want me to be there for lunch. She is becoming so independent. I am looking forward to 3pm and hearing all about it (although I'm sure all I'll hear is "it was alright"). I am slowly becoming an unwelcome visitor to her own little world.

I really enjoy the short (6 or 7 minute) walk to school. Also, we have met quiet a few parents and kids in the neighbourhood and through other friends that it didn't seem completely new and "alien". Bronwyn sees school as full of possibilities and potential friendships. Not to be cynical, but I wonder how long it will take the school-system to knock that out of her...

River is starting a new preschool (I've already had 3 meetings regarding that alone). It's gradual entry; more like snail-pace entry. By Christmas we should have him inf for a full day...if we're lucky! We just lost one of our much loved Behaviour Interventionists. She took the summer off and decided not to return to Vancouver. So now we have to find a new one to work with River. That means interviews, training and getting them up to speed. It also means more change for River. Oh well, these things happen.

We had a good labour day weekend...lead up to the momentous first day of school.

Monday: Mainly relaxation and getting things ready. I did a 12km run (in the rain) wasn't too bad. My hips ached a bit, but I am trying to extend my runs a bit.

Sunday: I took Bronwyn back to the PNE. We had such a good time. She got to see the Super Dogs again. We sat in front and Bronwyn barked (instead of clapping). Then she ran around on all fours and pretended to be a dog, while wearing her dog sweet!

I took her on the Scrambler...a ride that propels you around in your cart, while the whole ride also spins. She loved it! We ate chips, donuts, and candy-floss and when we arrived home Bronwyn felt like throwing up...a good day at the fair!

Saturday: We took a trip down to Tower Beach (near UBC). It was a particularly windy day. Tower Beach is one of my favourite parts of the coastline; rugged and pebbly with waves crashing in and knocking the pebbles against each other, so you hear the clacking sound as the tide recedes. It's a good spot for looking and listening, and relaxing. We also set up some driftwood "targets" and did some pebble-throwing target practise, which was fun.

1 comment:

Wendy Flawn said...

Love the last picture, looks like the pair of you were plotting.

Hope the first day went well, Matthew had his first day at senior school!!!!! How old do I feel!
