Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Porteau Cove

Bronwyn and I had a lovely (and very wet) camping trip to Porteau Cove this past weekend. Porteau Cove is a small park/campground only about an hour away with campsites right on the ocean. We had this crazy idea that it would be empty (thinking that no one bothers to camp after Labour Day). Bronwyn arrived at about 10:30am on Saturday and the sign at the campground entrance said FULL. I asked the guy at the front if it was true, and he said well, there may be one at the end. And there was! In fact it was a lovely spot right beside the ocean.

Bronwyn and I spent the day "log-hopping"; we went back and forth along the beach only walking across log to log... if you put your foot on the ground then you will be eaten by sharks...remember that game?  We played it for a long time.

We collected pebbles and stones, and I made a wonderful fire (didn't impress Bronwyn, but I impressed myself). At about 4:30 the rain started....lightly at first and then it set in for the long-haul. The van is a god-send!

We played in the rain for a while and then tucked ourselves up in the van and read books. It rained solidly throughout the night. Porteau Cove is right by the train tracks and sure enough, at 3:00am a goods train came barrelling through sounding like a raging, screaming monster. Amazingly enough, Bronwyn slept through it.

the view from breakfast in the the van...
On Sunday, Bronwyn went out to play some more in the rain and I made us some breakfast, and we ate it in the van while looking out at the ocean (and the rain). We played some games of Snap! and "Old Maid" and then headed for home. It's a very cool campground, so close to the city and very close to the water. At $38, the fee is outrageous....but it's great for an overnight. I can see a solo trip in my future.

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