Thursday, September 2, 2010

PNE...a LOT of fun!

River at the PNE - his face speaks for all the kids there! (taken by Mike)

We had a really fun trip to the PNE last Monday (the Pacific National Exhibition is a big traditional agricultural fair with lots of shows and fun stuff to do). I went with the kids and some friends (Mike and Nicole) and their kids (Gala and Nicky). It was a lot of fun, it's been years since I visited the PNE. I don't know why I haven't been in so long - it's one of those mysteries. I always thought parking would be a nightmare. But Nicole let us know about a spot with free-parking and it was easy to find. It was great to go with other people because it is exactly the type of thing that I cannot do on my own. I need someone else to help me keep track of River and his teleporting ability. We spent hours there - there is such a lot to see.

The highlight was when we went to see the the Super Dogs show (a dog show, where the dogs do all kinds of tricks and agility/speed stuff). I had promised to take Bronwyn and it did not disappoint. She even wore a dog outfit for the event. Awwww...I love that she is still at the age where it's cool to go around wearing a dog costume... Here she is "being" a Super Dog. She has decided that she was born part dog. She can indeed run eerily fast on four legs, but lately she said her nose twitches on one side. What more proof do you need???
I didn't get too many pictures; it was quite busy. I decided to take her again on Sunday (just the two of us). I didn't see too much of the dog show because River got fed up pretty fast. We can also do a couple of rides together. Bronwyn went on her first "big" ride; the big swing roundabout thing. She's on this blurred picture somewhere. She loved it.
We ate fries, hot dogs, cotton candy, and donuts. Went to see the agicultural displays and all kinds of animals. It was way more fun that I anticipated and all in all it was a really fun (and exhausting) day.

1 comment:

Katrina said...

Super cute! Love Bronwyn's dog costume too. Looks like you had a great time - River's face says it all. Maybe we can all go together next year :-) (Though I might avoid the spinny rides.)