Thursday, April 1, 2010

Dislocation - a poem...and blah


It happens in an instant.
My grandma used to say
someone is walking on your grave.

It's that moment when your life
is suddenly strange to you
as someone else's coat

you have slipped on at a party
by accident, and it is far
too big or too tight for you.

Your life feels awkward, ill
fitting. You remember why you
came into this kitchen, but you

feel you don't belong here.
It scares you in a remote
numb way. You fear that you—

whatever you means, this mind,
this entity stuck into a name
like mercury dropped into water—

have lost the ability to enter your
self, a key that no longer works.
Perhaps you will be locked

out here forever peering in
at your body, if that self is really
what you are. If you are at all.

by Marge Piercy from The Crooked Inheritance.

I haven't posted for a few days. I have been really tired. Insomnia and radiation therapy do not exactly work in concert. Having said that I got a decent night's sleep the past two nights (thanks to the drugs!). Anyway, I have been tired (fatigued, as they call it) and generally feeling low and out-of-sorts. And I just couldn't be bothered to write anything. But we are getting on and I am looking forward to having some energy back one of these days.

I did remember my Thursday poem...and now me and Bronny are going to set off to the library (one of my favourite places to be - did I ever mention my love of libraries?)


Anonymous said...

hi Just to let you know that I, and everyone here in the UK are thinking of you. I wish that I lived nearer so that I could have helped out, but I am only a day away. I loved Bronwyn's drawing, I think we have a budding artist,her perspective and choice of colours, and the detail, are amazing for one so young, so well done Bronny xxx.

Victoria said...

Thanks! I know there are lots of good thoughts coming from the UK and in many ways I do wish I live nearer. Fortunately, we have some friends who have really helped me/us out...especially with the kids...Bronwyn is loving the extra attention :) xx