Saturday, April 3, 2010

Venturing out...

I have been feeling a bit down lately. I am the type of person who puts a brave face on things and I am stoic by nature. However, lately, a few months of cancer treatment with related anxiety, daily trips to radiation therapy, the stress of insomnia, the assault of a head cold (on top of the usual stresses of life) have culminated to make me feel a bit depressed and, it has to be said, sorry for myself. So yesterday was the perfect day for Mark and I to take a trip down to Granville Island. It was an even better day to drop Bronwyn and River off for a few hours with friends who had offered to babysit (thanks Kyle and Michelle!). Having that type of hands-on help makes all the difference. It was wonderful to have time by ourselves to look around Granville Island market. To buy fresh pasta, tomato and bocchini salad, fresh bread, homemade chocolate easter bunnies and cookies for the kids, and a SPCA certified organic chicken (not so easy to come by) for our Easter Sunday dinner. We also tried on a bunch of hats at Edie Hats, a fabulous hat store on Granville Island, and I bought my first hat in ages (and as I left the store I gave a nod and a wink towards my next hat purchase, which will be a big wide-brimmed floppy sunhat!). I love my new hat (and it just occurred to me that I bought a new hat for easter...very eh). It's the one I'm wearing in the above picture.

I'm not hugely into the commercial aspect of Easter. Of course I understand its importance in the Christian calendar, but I prefer to celebrate the arrival of spring. We are observing some traditions. We are going to make an easter egg hunt for the kids, here at home. (No, I am not into the big group egg-hunt either). Bronwyn and I are painting some eggs...not quite finished...and we have made some easter/spring artwork. All-in-all we are trying to make it a spring-themed celebration, while remaining conscious of the fact that Bronwyn is surrounded by a proliferation of easter-themed silliness.

The Easter Bunny is a scary incarnation. I heard one mum saying that they were going to leave a carrot out for the Easter Bunny?!?...weird. Am I the only one uncomfortable with the idea of a 6ft rabbit sneaking around with a basket of eggs? It scares me the way that clowns do. All a bit Donnie Darko. The best place for the easter bunny is in a rabbit stew...but I haven't told Bronwyn that.


Katrina said...

I love your hat :-) Always helps to treat yourself - and it's much nicerer than Judy Garland's big floppy easter bonnet...with all the frills upon it....)

I'm with you on the giant rabbit thing, a tad trippy if you ask me. Maybe it's a hallucination after the sugar overload.

Katrina said...

'nicerer'??? That was obviously meant to read 'nicer'. 'Cos I speaks loads betterer england than that.

Victoria said...

It's definitely fun to try on hats. My next hat will be a big floppy sunhat to wear on the beach...I'll have to brush up my Judy Garland!

Anonymous said...

I loved the hat too, it really suits you, and its always good to have some retail therapy, good for the soul! I hate Easter commercialism (is there such a word?), I think its going to far, the Easter Bunny , carrots and all that ugh! What will they dream up next??? Anyway, who thought up the Easter Bunny, when and where did this story come from? Easter bonnets.were worn and Easter simmnel cakes was taken home by servant girls for mother's day, and the 11, yes 11, balls of marzipan decorating the cake, represent the apostles, minus judas.The bonnets were worn
I believe, to represent Spring, and a new beginning. xxxx