Saturday, January 2, 2010

Happy 2010...and good riddance 2009

Happy New Year! It's finally here. We made it. We stumbled and tripped our way frantically through 2009 and finally landed in 2010. We had a quiet New Year's Eve...just Mark and I and our friends Martini and Olive. We did manage to stay up until midnight this time. Just before midnight we went up onto the rooftop deck and listened to all the New Year Celebrations. The ships sounded their horns and we could hear the sounds of revellers all around us. Fireworks were set off downtown and in what appeared to be people's backyards (drunk people with fireworks....hmmmm). It was really fun to watch and listen.

Me and Sis...enjoying a New Year's drink....

We spent New Year's Day with Trini and Lorne. They have just lost Lucy, their very special cat and she is much missed. I know how sad they are to lose her and it was really kind of them to have us over. We had fun and hopefully they were able to forget their loss...just for a little while. We played with the Wii again...I want one. I really think my life would be so much better if I had a would! I know this.

On New Year's Eve we went on the Stanley Park Train. It was a lot of fun and the kids loved it. We'd definitely do it again next year.

Awwww....daddy and his little boy

The day before we went tobogganing on Mount Seymour - now that was FUN! We did some slides down the bunny hill, played in the snow, had a snowball fight (which I won). It was such a good time and we're planning to go a few times this winter.

The two kids on a toboggan thing doesn't quite work with these guys...

Lots of fun in the snow!

Move over's Mama's turn!
Bronwyn went down head first like a bullet! She is fearless.

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