Monday, January 4, 2010

Ahhh....more of the wet stuff...

Good old Vancouver...start as you mean to go on. Rainfall warnings and dark wet days. The wet swooosh of cars going by. The eternal sound of the drip-drip-drop on the roof. And that one drip that always seems louder than the others...just to annoy you. You can make rhythmic patterns out of the sound of it. That's how much it rains here; even individual drip-drops have their nuances.

The kids have been sleeping-in (very nice), although it meant waking them up for school today. It was okay. We'd prepared everything the night before and we were ON TIME! This is quite a feat for us...we've yet to get to school on time for a whole week. So it's back to the grindstone. My New Year's Resolution is to have more more fun things and generally not get stressed out about things.

In that vein...kind of...I've begun a new knitting project...yay. I was getting tired of knitting hats, cute as they are. It is a Rowan Pattern. It's call Kid Classic Snug Tunic. Why the model is wearing Mickey Mouse ears, I guess we will never know. Lately, I've only knit hats and gloves. I needed a more substantial project. I am also working on a small cute project for Bronwyn for Bronwyn. A knitted Crocodile. A while back I planned to crochet a blanket. I ditched that idea after about 5 squares. That's how long it took me to realise that it was going to take a loooong time (though I may pick it up now and again).
Still waiting to hear from the doctor. I almost managed to forget about it over the holidays. Now it's back to haunt me. I hope it's good news. I can't say I'm not worried about it.

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