Sunday, January 17, 2010

Ahhh....the sunshine

Oh Vancouver. Just when you think you can't take any more oppressive, rainy, gray wake up to a gorgeous day like yesterday. Bright sunshine, mild temperature, water like glass and the snow-capped mountains startling against the clear blue sky. All that gloomy business about rain is forgiven in an instant.

We decided to go on a walk that we haven't been on for a while. It begins at the lookout point along SW Marine Drive, south of UBC. The look out point, by the way, is a great place to watch the sunset at this time of year. The walk is unmarked and leads off from the garbage can at the left of the parking area. It's a steep walk that takes you through lush forest and down to an area of wetlands.

We have heard that you can actually walk all the way round to Wreck Beach, but we have never made it that far. It's not the best maintained walk. There's a bit of scrambling over fallen logs and you definitely need your wellies (hear that NEED your boots :)

Yesterday it was very lush, wet, and marshy as a result of all the rain we've had. The path around was flooded and the water level was quite high. We couldn't go far once we were down at the shore. One of the things I like about the walk is that it shows a different side to Vancouver, accustomed as we are to mountains. This is an area of bulrushes and marsh, with log booms waiting just off the shore. It's also a great place for bird-watching.
This picture was taken just before River took a slide down the steep path...

We spent the evening with friends...getting to know a new friend and becoming reacquainted with an old friend. I am really happy that I have met a fellow knitting nerd. Yay!


Michelle said...

Hi Victoria,

Kyle and I were so excited to be mentioned on your blog! (And to occupy the only post in the "friends" category of your topics menu.)

Thank you so much for having us over the other night and convincingly pretending to like our dorky board game--although I guess it's easy to pretend when you are LORD of CATAN.

I can't wait to get together to knit!


Victoria said...

Thanks Michelle! We had a great time. The lasagne was really delicious! And thanks for the tip about Dress Sew...holy crap...I couldn't believe my eyes! Mark and I have been talking about Catan strategy...I will need to win again for it to be convincing. Let's get together for a knitting evening soon!