Saturday, January 16, 2010


I'm listening to Solo Piano by Gonzales quite a bit these days. It is an album the name suggests...solo piano pieces. Very beautiful. Some pieces remind me a little of Eric Satie in their sparse, measured and minimal complex-simplicity...there is definitely jazz influence in some pieces and others are reminiscent of sitting for hours at a small marble-top table in an ornate coffee-house in Vienna with chandeliers and other suggestions of former opulence. Listening to a pianist playing atmospheric pieces over the bustle of people and conversation. Drinking small cups of strong coffee, playing chess and discussing politics and philosophy into the wee hours. Not that I ever did that, of course. Oh no...not me. Although I did visit Vienna once. And I drank a Mokka in more than one Kaffeehaus. But I was poor...and my German was, and still is, rubbish. A bit like my chess game. But music can help us transcend the limits of who we are....and transport us...right?

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