Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Who can resist a bargain...

On Saturday a friend told me that a fabric store downtown called Dressew was selling Rowan pattern books and some discontinued yarn at really cheap prices. Rowan is a UK company based in Holfmirth, Yorkshire that produces incredible handknit patterns and beautiful yarn. Anyway, it was music to my ears. I wanted to dash down there on Sunday, but they don't open on Sunday. So I planned a trip for Monday morning when the kids would be firmly ensconced in their educational establishments. My plan was to have two hours alone to peruse knitting yarn and patterns....bliss! But it was not to be because both kids were sick and couldn't attend school. I shook my fists in the air, "Why me??? Why now? It's the only 2 hours I will have to myself this whole week!" Then I re-assessed the kids; too sick for mingling with other kids...but not too sick to accompany me on my knitting jaunt. Not ideal, but come hell or high water, I needed to get down there.

Once we were there, I couldn't believe my eyes. Loads of Rowan pattern books on sale for $4 and $5 (Usually $30 - $40). I've been buying Rowan patterns for 20 years or so (I really believe they have the best designs and yarns) and have never seen them so cheap! Lots of yarn. Lots of fabric and sewing stuff too. I'd even forgotten what a treasure chest the rest of the store is. It's a crafting/sewing dream store. I could have spent hours in there...

And I would have gotten away with it too, if it wasn't for those pesky, meddling kids. River immediately took off and started doing dangerous things. At least that's what I kept hearing from the sales clerks, "Oh, no...you need to get down from there...that's dangerous." Bronwyn was busy showing people an amazing invention she found, "Look!. It's an umbrella that you can wear as a hat!!!" I had a few minutes to grab some books and yarn (Rowan Ribbon Twist) before I had to go find River. I found him (and got him out of danger; climbing on some wheeled cart thing). I pushed a granola bar into his little hand and then I turned to Bronwyn and (forgive me, oh god of parenting) I said, "Look after your brother and I'll give you a really big treat!" Then I scurried off back to the knitting stuff. A few minutes later I heard River yelling, "Nooooo"...and Bronwyn yelling, "You have to come this way!" Again, I grabbed my stash and went to find the kids who, as I guessed correctly, were in the area that everyone had turned to look at. I rounded a corner to find River sprawled on the floor trying in vain to put up resistance, while Bronwyn dragged him along by his coat. It was at that point, while people were probably assuming that I was one of those parents, (the type who leave kids to go wild while they selfishly do their own thing.....ahem....), I figured I'd better make off with what I had and attempt another visit at some later date.

I was very pleased with the pattern books and yarn I got. I kept going on about it to Mark (imagine his interest). I will also head back there for fabric and sewing supplies. I don't think I'll take the kids. I suppose they got bored. How can a 3-year old and a 5-year old fail to get excited about knitting yarn??? Honestly, kids these days!!!


Michelle said...

Am I the only commentor out there?

Victoria, this was so funny (though I'm sure not so funny at the time...) and timely as well, as I not 10 minutes ago I arrived home with an enormous garbage bag full of books and wool, cursing my lack of control and wondering where in our tiny apartment I might hide my booty from Kyle.

I got a ridiculous number of skeins of Rowan Cashsoft chunky--it's kind of a dusky pink which wouldn't be my first choice but bargain-hunters can't be choosers. I might try Veronik Avery's Notre Dame de Grace with it even though I'm not wild about the drop shoulders on that pattern. I want something extremely snuggly I can wear when I'm bloated and tired and need a cocoon. Then I won't care if it's pink.

Also got some green Nashua wool velvet destined for life as Anna Bell's holly tunic and an embarrassing amount of cotton (Rowan organic and Nashu Egyptian mercerized), along with a really great Nashua baby sweater pattern book ("Blossom") so I'm covered for anyone who has a baby in the next decade or so.

All of this is a very roundabout way of saying that there is still LOTS left if you can make it down again.

Now I must take a cue from your post on patience and finish my studies for tonight before swatching.

Hope you are well.


Victoria said...

I am envious! I love Cashsoft chunky...I hope they have something left for when I get down there. Notre Dame De Grace is lovely...I'm also on the lookout for a big comfy sweater that is quick to knit up. We need to get together soon and have a geeky knitter's night!! Victoria

Margaret Choinski said...

I wish I'd read this earlier and I might have headed down there too...then again Max gave me 50 really nice balls/skeins of yarn for my 50th last year and I'm still working my way through that...then again, everyone needs a stash...right???

Victoria said...

What a great birthday present! Yes...everyone needs stash. I once read that knitting and building stash are actually two different pastimes! There is lots still there if you can make it.