Monday, December 28, 2009

Santa's come and gone...

We've had a really good Christmas so far and we are looking forward to a week of relaxation and fun. Santa came, as expected and Bronwyn was so excited when she woke up, peeked downstairs, and saw the presents under the tree. She gave a squeal of pure delight and ran back upstairs to let us know that Santa had been. Awww....I wish I could bottle up that moment and keep it forever. She didn't go all the way downstairs - she just peeked because, although it was early morning, it was still dark and she was worried that Santa might still be there. Santa also left a small gift under the tree in her bedroom. Her guitar was a hit and I am looking forward to playing guitar with her one of these days. We also got her a big box of Lego. In fact, we have spent a lot time over the past couple of days building Lego houses. It's really fun and it is something that we are able to do together - which Bronwyn (high maintenance that she is) loves too. Actually, at times I have wondered whether the Lego was more for Bronwyn or her dad...

Here's one of the finished houses.

River loves his glockenspiel and his music toy. He hasn't really understood Christmas, but he's had a lot of fun! He had a great time with a strange "Blingle Bells" moving toy thing that Trini and Lorne brought over. He was laughing like crazy and dancing around.

This was Bronwyn's creative use of Christmas cracker party hats...

Trini and Lorne came over and we had a good Christmas dinner. We were too busy eating and drinking to take pictures...although Trini might have some pics because she got a nice new camera from Santa. The "Melty Mushroom Wellington" was really tasty. I think next time that I would put more filling in and perhaps wrap them differently so there would be more filling and less pastry. But a good dinner...good food, good wine and good company, can't ask for more than that. A very merry Christmas!

1 comment:

Katrina said...

Every time I read your blog, I'm inspired - by you, by your warmth, your strength, your wonderful writing and creativity and, best of all, your incredible humour. I love catching up on all the little details that we don't always have time to share. It reminds me that we need to make that time, because our friends and family are what really matters. Thanks Vic!

Of course you do realize I have to get my own blog going now too, you make it seem so easy :-)