Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Silver bells....

Ahhh...wouldn't be Christmas without my "Christmas Elvis" album. Yes...I'm a closet Elvis fan - I admit it! It all started when I was a kid. Anyway, it's starting to look like Christmas around here. Tonight we'll wrap the pressies. We haven't done much the past day or so because I have been tired. We'll probably go out for a walk later. I'm planning out Christmas dinner. We're making a vegetarian Christmas dinner this year..."Melty Mushroom Wellingtons".

They look good and the recipe is relatively simple. Of course, whether mine will look like the picture remains to be seen.... We'll have them with all the usual trimmings. It will hopefully be a quiet Christmas. We've deliberately made virtually no plans, except to host my sister and brother-in-law on Christmas day. We've also talked about going snowshoeing...or tubing, which will be fun. Christmas Eve tomorrow...Bronwyn is getting very excited. River doesn't really seem to know what's going on, although he's enjoying the lights. We're beginning the toilet training process...I think it's going to take a while. And I can't find undies to fit him, the ones I bought him for 3-year olds are massive. I had to put him in a pair of Bronwyn's old ones. Poor guy. We won't tell anyone.

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