Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Christmas is coming....

Our tree is up...and it looks brilliant...a lot better than this picture. I can't figure out Photoshop. In fact I hate Photoshop...every tiny little pixel. So anyway...Christmas is coming fast and furious. Am I ready? Of course not!

My surgery is on Friday. I have been sick for over a week and I am worried that they won't do my surgery if I am sick. I can't seem to get better. But then again, I haven't had any rest either. No call-in-sick-and-stay-in-bed-to-rest for me. There was River's team meeting on Friday. Blood work and rushing around doing Christmas stuff on Saturday and Sunday. There is ferrying Bronwyn and River back and forth to kindergarten and preschool. The constant stream of people coming to our house. Yesterday there were appointments with River's Occupational Therapist and Infant Development Consultant, as well as 2 intervention sessions (4 people over to the house in one day), today he had a speech-language therapy assessment. Tomorrow we double up on intervention sessions and there is a teaching session with the intervention supervisor. Let's not forget laundry, cleaning, groceries, cooking dinner, the endless snacks, changing diapers, dealing with Bronwyn's tantrums, dealing with River's "fear of the poo", which entails a hysterical screaming fit every day. Making sure Ellee gets out and gets fed. Scheduling more sessions and appointments for River, getting together materials for his intervention sessions...trying to find time to make stuff with Bronwyn. Trying to find time to take library books back while fines are mounting up...Oh, yes...then there is Christmas. And let's not forget that niggling worry about breast cancer. No wonder I'm not getting better. Still, when all that is done I will get chance to put my feet up and rest...that will be on Friday while I am in surgery. In fact, part of me is looking forward to it because I will be able to least for the afternoon anyway. Phew...end of moan.

I have given up on sending Christmas cards this year....the traditional woman's role, for some reason. I have virtually given up on Christmas for this year. Of course I have to keep up the front for the kids. Maybe I'll regain my Christmas spirit once I stop feeling like my head is in a vice. I sound like a right "Bah...humbug".

Here is Bronwyn's cute tree that she decorated for their bedroom...

And the mini-snowman she made when we had a dusting of snow...look carefully...there are carrot eyes and nose!

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