Saturday, December 19, 2009

Looking forward to Christmas...

I find it difficult to make new, fresh, inventive titles to posts...sorry about that.

So here I am, back home and taking it "easy". Listening to kids driving Mark crazy. Things went as planned yesterday. Sis took the day off to take care of the kids (thanks!!). She seemed in once piece when I got home...they let her off easy! Having said that, I floated through the door in a narcotic bubble and wafted straight up to bed. Things went okay. Another trial and error session trying to get the IV in my vein. Apparently, I have delicate veins....dehydration is what I call it. Everything went smoothly. The surgery was a tad delayed and I didn't go in until around 3pm. I was supposed to go in at 1:45. The usual matter-of-fact wheel you in and out stuff. Afterwards I was MUCH groggier than last time. It seemed to take me ages to wake up. They gave me some strong pain medication and I have been pretty much in la-la land until this morning. As far as I can tell, my boob is mostly still there (that was a worry) and hasn't been too drastically altered. Time will tell, I suppose. The next step is to find out if I get to keep it! There is some stiffness and ache in my arm, but nothing that Tylenol can't take care of. I won't know the results until new year. Of course we hope that this is the end of it and we can move on with things. Close this chapter. In the meantime, I intend to de-stress (as far as possible), enjoy Christmas and take it easy. Mark is being a very good nurse, it has to be said. And people around us have been very supportive, kind and helpful. Thank you!

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