Saturday, September 19, 2009

I survived the H1N1!

Well, it's not actually official - but it's what the doctor suspects I had. I have never had flu before in my life...ever. At first I had a sore throat and thought it might be strep. This lasted for a couple of days and I felt crappy, but I was still up and about. Then I woke up on the third day with the chills. This progressed to the point that I was so cold that my hands went numb. Mark got a cab home from work and I spent the rest of the day lying in bed thinking I was going to die. Fun! The fever and chills only lasted a day and a night....but the aches etc were a bit more drawn out. I think I must have got it from the kids, but who knows where they got it. I felt it was only right to give it to Mark. But he seems to be on the mend now. Now I can't say that I've never had flu. I thought I was immune. Mind you, like the doctor said, "At least you'll be immune for when the global pandemic hits". Thanks doc!

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