Monday, September 7, 2009

I can finish something....I really can.

River is wearing a sweater that I finished knitting recently. My mum sent over the yarn in summer. I intended to have it finished a while ago, but better late than never. I don't know how long it will fit him...the little bugger keeps growing. But it looks very cute on him. I am keen to get back to knitting and crafting. I have not been very creative lately. I also have a lot of unfinished projects around - so I was glad to actually finish this sweater. The rest of the unfinished projects will have to stay in hibernation for a while....because I have my mind set on knitting this Lizard Ridge Blanket...

Of course it will take me a while...but I'll just do a square every now and again until it is finished. That's the idea anyway. I haven't gone out and bought any yarn yet.

My other crafty enterprise is felting old sweaters that I find in thrift stores and making something out of them. I'm just beginning, so more on that when I actually have something! (Of course I enjoy anything that gives me an excuse to poke around in second-hand stores looking for treasures and vintage curiosities). Like this little find I made recently...

It's an old Fisher Price push-a-long toy that makes a beautiful, strange tinkly bell sound as you push it. Funnily enough, most people who hear it say it seems like an eerie sound that would be good in a ghost movie...(have we lost our innocence?)

This weekend was Labor Day Weekend. It's a holiday weekend here. The last hurrah that marks the end of the summer and the beginning of the school year. The weather was iffy, which was okay because there were jobs that we needed to get done. One of those jobs was the purchase of a new bed. Mark and I have not been getting our "beauty rest". We were sleeping for too long on a not-very-good mattress and waking up with all kinds of aches and pains. But no more! We decided to buy a new foam mattress and a new bed. Our current mattress and box spring had done it's job and needed to be retired. The bed frame was okay condition - but we were fed up with it. It was also slightly too big for our room and so we kept stubbing our toes on it. And that hurts. It's amazing how many aches and pains you can get from a bad mattress. After a brief dilemma about what to do with the old mattress we decided to put it on Craigslist for free. Within about 20 minutes we got about 20 responses and a guy came and picked it up a few hours later. Amazing. So now we have our new bed frame (cheap and simple Ikea, like almost everything we own!) and a new foam mattress. And I woke up this morning with no back ache! I will need my sleep...busy week ahead.

It isn't a Sealy...the one we got rid of was...and it cost more than $39.50...but it is like "sleeping on a cloud".

We also went to Granville Island. I forget how much I love Granville Island. Mind you, with the kids it's difficult to look at the stuff we want to...we spend more time looking at the Kidsmarket. Bronwyn bought a lizard thing that squeaks and sticks its tongue out...she's been squeaking it none stop and I fear it will lose it's squeak in a mysterious accident if it doesn't stop soon...

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