Thursday, September 3, 2009

New best friend....

Here is Bronwyn's new "best friend". Mark went to the PNE - fairground and someone he works with won this tiger and forced it upon Mark to bring home for the kids. I can't think why they didn't want to take it home themselves. Anyway, you can imagine my joy when he walked in the door with it... Of course, as soon as Bronwyn set eyes on it she loved it ("Zebra Tiger" she named it...for obvious reasons). Bronwyn's stuffies are usually named literally...there's "Kitty", "Doggy","Bunny", "Treefrog" etc. Anyway, our house is very small and now a massive stuffed tiger has taken up residence and I doubt we'll ever be able to get rid of it. sigh. Mind you, it did increase Mark's "daddy-of-the-year" rating! And as far away from 5-years old as I am, I can still see the appeal.

Speaking of animals, Bronwyn inadvertently picked up a small booklet from the library (handouts and brochures section by the door) because it had farm animals on it. I looked through it and it turned out to be a pamphlet against cruelty to farm animals. We are a mostly vegetarian family and when we do eat meat it is usually free-range chicken or (very rarely) free-range beef. So I learned that "free-range" is virtually meaningless and that most farm animals are still living in conditions of appalling cruelty - free-range or not! I feel like I have been conned. So it's back to a more serious vegetarianism for me. Fortunately, having been vegetarian for many years before, I do know a lot of good alternatives. People do not need to eat meat every day, and it shouldn't be dirt cheap...even Jamie Oliver will agree with me on that.

There is a quote from The Unbearable Lightness of Milan Kundera.
"Humanity's true moral test, its fundamental test (which lies deeply buried from view), consists of its attitude towards those who are its mercy: animals."

Speaking of vegetarian alternatives, Mark has been promising to make Baked Broccoli and Cauliflower Cannelloni from Jamie Oliver's Jamie at Home cookbook. So far it hasn't materialized (has it weekend perhaps?

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