Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Music and books...

I am listening to Andrew Bird these days. I really enjoy his new album "Noble Beast". A wonderfully eclectic mixture of sounds and textures. His songs are quirky and interesting and so layered that they can stand being listened to repeatedly. I find the music and the melodies so interesting that I often do not spend a lot of time try to work out his (sometimes very strange) lyrics. I really enjoy the sound as a whole. Every time I listen to his songs I hear something else. I think I prefer "The Mysterious Production of Eggs", which has some really cool tracks.
I just finished reading Alice Munro's "Hateship, Friendship, Courtship, Marriage" stories. This was a wonderful read. Her stories are rich and thought-provoking. She can capture entire life-time in one short story. Her stories seem to contain so much wisdom and yet her characters are so fallible and (for want of a better word) human. She can capture the intense complexities of life so well in just a few words and sentences. Amazing.
I've been downloading music this morning...mostly old stuff like Ray Charles and some 60's stuff. But I was suddenly compelled to download one of my guilty pleasure songs. You know, one of those songs that you really like, but don't want to admit to (perhaps it is "uncool" or something). I will admit that one of mine is "Back for Good" by Take That. It always gives me a chill. And I like the video. There, I admitted it...Phew, I feel much better now that it's out in the open. I never could work out what that big Russian hat thing was all about. It was raining...and it never gets that cold in England.


Xussia said...

Nothing wrong with 'Back for Good'... "In the twists of separation, you excelled at being free"... now are they really the lyrics of a 'boy band'... nah!!!!

Victoria said...

Yes, you are right. I think they wrote most of their stuff. Although, I think they might still come under the catagory "boy band"...kind of.

Victoria said...

And thank you for leaving a comment!!