Thursday, May 21, 2009

Getting creative - or trying to...

I'm trying to get a bit more creative. I've got a small knitting project on the go - a sweater for River. But I need more, more, more. I bought this book. A lot of designs are taken from blogs and websites that I frequent now and again. Some of them are really simple. I mean, you could tape a pencil to your dog's paw and get her to draw an outline...cut it out in "vintage" fabric, sew it together by hand (you can even sew badly for that "home-made" feel), then put eyes on it. Voila...a cute, trendy toy! Actually, taping a pencil to your dog's paw is cruel...velcro is better. Anyway, that is the gist. Subversive stuffies that undermine the materialistic, sweat-shop driven, world of the mass produced stuffy. They are cute too. And....good for the planet. I also have a load of fabric that I intended to make into summer dresses for Bronwyn...I'd better get started. She may only get one day to wear a summer dress.

I have cut down on wine-drinking. It's not that we go crazy; we are very moderate drinkers. But we tend to drink nightly and I read somewhere that, over the long term, even somewhat moderate, daily alcohol consumption is not good for your liver...stupid liver.

The computer has a virus...I'm convinced the record companies are paying people to make sophisticated viruses that attack your computer when you download music. Instead of making viruses...why not make music cheaper to buy? In other circumstances I would now proceed to rant about the music industry, saying something about how lots of money goes to crap artists for even crappier music...but I won't. I will leave it there...we have a will not stop me.

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