Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Victoria ('s) Day...

I like Victoria day weekend - of course! We had a relaxing weekend. We went to the Vancouver children's festival on Saturday morning and I have to say we were quite disappointed. I expected there would be jugglers, balloon-shapers, fire-eaters, performers of all kinds mingled with the crowds - but it was just a bunch of tents with some stuff for the kids to do (most of which Bronwyn didn't want to do and River had no interest in). I'm not sure it is worth going unless you have a show that you are going to see. We were definitely not impressed, and neither were the kids.
Following that friends of ours came over to show their beautiful new baby boy. It's amazing how quickly you forget how small a newborn baby is, and those lovely snuffly sounds they make...and their milky smell...sounds like I'm getting broody. Fortunately, I have not forgotten how much work is involved!
Later on we went for a barbecue at a friends house. There were 4 girls there of Bronwyn's age and they tired themselves out running around like crazy. Mark and I took turns in preventing River from escaping. We had the whole yard blocked off (it is unfenced at the back) and he still managed to find a way out. Once he even crawled under the car!
Sunday and Monday were days for relaxing, doing jobs around the place, and barbecuing. I am feeling on the mend and was able to complete a 20 minute run. Not bad considering I couldn't walk 3 weeks ago...all in all a good weekend.

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