Friday, April 10, 2009

Yet another assessment...

Poor River has had so many assessments lately. We are moving forward though. He's now started speech therapy and we are working on implementing the strategies that the Speech Language Pathologist (SLP) suggests. He does have words but many of them don't make sense. He also babbles a lot in what sounds like sentences and conversation (with inflections), but isn't coherent. So we are trying to repeat back to him anything he says and build a sense that words have meanings and involve other people. Something like that. He echos a lot and seems to learn some words and phrases in chunks. For example, his word for "hello" is "Hi daddy!". He will say that to anyone. And he doesn't yet use "mummy" or "mama" unless he is echoing Bronwyn.

So he had the first part of his ABLLS assessment (Assessment of Basic Learning and Language Skills). The Behavioural Consultant goes through a series of tasks/games with him and comes up with a plan to target aspects that the Intervention should focus on. The beginning of re-wiring River. We have hired two Interventionists who I think will be great. I suppose time will tell. But they seemed good in the interview. I hope that we can get some kind routine going by the end of May. He will need about 14 hours of intervention (River in a room with the Interventionist - essentially playing with him and teaching him skills). 14 hours! I am very concerned about how this will effect our day to day family life. We are used to going for walks and getting out and about. I am trying to figure out when we will find that time. We will have to see how it goes - but there isn't really any choice. We worry how River will adapt. He might love it playing one on one with the Interventionists. I really hope so. So far all the people involved with him have intimated that he has mild autism, even though he has quite a severe language delay. He has the other part of the ABLLS assessment still to take. I try not to worry too far ahead. It is amazing how many boys have autism. I wonder when they will find out what causes it.

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