Saturday, April 4, 2009

April here already?

What? How did it get to April? I think someone is adding days while I sleep... I am still here but it's been ridiculously busy lately. I think I will try to do very small, more frequent updates...otherwise too much time elapses between the updates. I am also working on reorganizing things a bit. The temperatures here are still a bit low...but we've managed a couple of trips to our favourite part of the beach - it's rugged and pebbly and just how we like it.

We try to keep up with the kids....Bronwyn is ahead, bucket and bag of dinosaurs in hand!

This beach is perfect for River...he can't bolt and he loves the rocks. It was cold though!

And Bronwyn set up her display of "Animals in the Desert"...not sure why she picked the corgi dogs...but I long ago gave up trying to figure out how her mind works.

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