Saturday, April 11, 2009

What's going on in Vancouver?

So I have been feeling a bit on the low side this week. You may or may not have heard about the poor woman who was murdered while she was jogging through the trails in Pacific Spirit Park last Friday afternoon. It has really shaken up Vancouver, but specifically the people who live around here and use the trails. I have jogged through the trails for years now. I either jog through, or take the kids through the trails nearly every day. Now this terrible murder has taken place and the trails no longer seem like the safe, serene place that they were. I don't see how I can go for a run now without looking over my shoulder and worrying. The police advise women not to go running on their own, but that just isn't good enough. Women should be able to go running on their own. We should not have to feel like prisoners. Nor should we feel like potential victims every time we go somewhere on our own. Anyway, I feel terrible for the woman's family and I just hope they catch the person, although the police are saying they think it could have been a random act. Vancouver used to feel like such a safe city but with all the gang shootings lately (and now this murder) it doesn't feel so safe any more. But I am going to go back to running the trails and taking the kids out, otherwise I/we lose something that we love to do because of the actions of one crazy person. I don't think we should let that happen.

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