Sunday, April 12, 2009

Happy Easter

The Easter Bunny has Risen? Oops, mixing my Pagan with my Christian again. Easter Monday isn't a holiday here. It's Good Friday. But it should be Easter Monday. I am a lapsed Christian at best, but I still find it hard to get in a "holiday" mood on Good Friday. It's the big guilt day of the Christian calendar. Black Friday - I don't see what's "good" about it. And neither should you, you baaaaaddd, horrible people. But at least everything is okay by Easter Sunday. Happiness reigns and it's "stuff-yourself-with-as-much-chocolate-as-you-possibly-can-guilt-free! day".

We hid some eggs around the house for Bronwyn to find...a visit from the Easter Bunny. The Easter Bunny is not part of a tradition that I grew up with so I find it hard to get into. I also don't quite get it. I find the idea of a huge bunny sneaking into your house with eggs to be a bit disconcerting. I think I'm afraid of man-sized rabbits sneaking around the house. Also, there is no way that the Easter Bunny should get anywhere near Santa-like status. We debated whether to tell Bronwyn it was us that hid the eggs. It was really hard to explain about the Bunny. I think next year we'll tell the truth. The chocolate is the main thing for her. We took the kids swimming in the afternoon, which was a lot of fun. Happy Easter, however you celebrate.

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