Friday, April 17, 2009

I have succumbed..

to the lure of Facebook. I like to think of it as a bit of dabbling right now. So far I have 3 friends, I am married to one of them and one is my brother. But I got back in touch with a friend (through Friends Reunited) who I had some great times with a long time ago. But the counting of friends thing is one of the reasons I have avoided Facebook. It feels competitive and you can't help thinking you should have more "friends". I'll see how it goes.

I watched the Youtube clip of the woman from "Britain's got talent" or whatever it's called. Susan Doyle, the Scottish spinster singing "I Dreamed a Dream". I thought her voice was amazing, it gave me goosebumps. It was incredible how everyone suddenly went from laughing at her to being completely amazed. There is still a bit of magic in the world. Now she's a worldwide sensation and has even been invited on to the Oprah Show. I wonder if success will change her (ha ha).

My mum sent me over some cute yarn to knit up for the kids. I have started knitting River a little sweater. I'll get some pics up for next time. In the you remember the days when you were comfortable lounging about in a unicorn suit with a balloon animal on your head? No? I'm sure you do. Well, that's just what Bronwyn likes to do...ahhhh to be 4 years old. Incidentally, that masterpiece of balloon-animal craftsmanship is an Easter bunny (you knew that, of course) made by me. Mark challenged me to come up with a balloon animal and I think I more than met that challenge.

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