Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Needless to say...

I did not escape. Almost...I thought I was free and clear. But it was not to be. At times like that we question the existence of God. Anyway, we're all back to health and it's a lovely sunny day so perhaps we'll go play at the park.

We are trying to get things set up for River and navigate a sea of anachronisms to do with autism. We don't really know what we are doing. We have an "orientation" meeting on Tuesday morning regarding the funding he will receive and what we are supposed to do with it. We learned earlier on this week that he will probably require at least 20 hours a week of Behavioural Intervention Therapy and Speech Therapy. HOLY CRAP! We had no idea. Initially we heard 40 hours, but with a 2 year old how is that possible? Then we heard that we should wait until we get the behavioural assessment and hold off panicing until then. After that we are free to panic. We need to get in touch with other parents locally who are also navigating their way through the system. That's probably the next step. Is nothing ever simple? Yes, a trip to the park on a sunny day...let's hope.

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