Thursday, February 5, 2009

The dreaded bug....

How long before I can say I escaped the dreaded "sick bug"? River threw up on schedule and then again last night (why do toddlers always throw up in their sleep?)...that just leaves me. Am I next, or have I escaped? Anyone in my family will attest to the fact that it would be nothing short of miraculous if I escaped the bug. My nickname growing up was "Sicky Vicky"...and that didn't mean I got a lot of colds. In England throwing up is called being sick. I have always been a puker. My poor sister spent many a night in the other twin bed listening to me retching and heaving into "the sick bucket"...if I even heard of a sick bug going round then I would get it. I was the kid in class who threw up all over the floor...and was therefore responsible for many a sawdust pile. I'd throw up at the drop of a hat. It became second nature. In my drinking and partying days I would sometimes throw up just so I could make room for another beer! Didn't we all? No? Oops, just me then. So, anyway, it is very odd. But I don't want to go through what my poor germ-ridden family just went through. When we were changing poor River's bed and pj's in the middle of the night, Mark very selflessly whispered, "Just leave it. I'll do it...go wash up, there's still a chance for yourself!" I, very selfishly, replied, "Yes, you're right", (already in the other room). Perhaps I should move out for a while. Would that be wrong?

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