Tuesday, January 20, 2009

The Fog Continues...

Yep, it's still foggy here. It's starting to drive us crazy. Just above that fog is some bright sunshine that we are missing out on. I'm beginning to feel claustrophobic with all this fog day in and day out. But enough about the weather. We decided to go to Queen Elizabeth Park on Sunday. It is on a hill and we thought it would be nice to get a view of downtown in the fog. It feels like San Fransisco around here. I took this picture standing on a wall and as I got down from the wall my favourite pair of jeans ripped - right under my ass...nice. Luckily, my coat covered the mishap. But they were my favourite pair of jeans and so we had to go on a mission to get another pair and we found the exact same pair. We left the park and went to the store and in less than half an hour I had my new jeans. That's some kind of jeans-buying record for me.

We also visited the Bloedel Conservatory in the park. It is always good to visit somewhere tropical at this time of year. We saw lots of parrots and birds and really big plants (as you can tell, I don't know their names). Some cool orchids. This parrot (Charlie) started squawking and scared the daylights out of River...who squawked back, and then started crying.

The tropical climate made River's hair go really curly and he looked like a little cherub running around (this picture is when we went outside...no snow in the tropical climate of course).

Of course it's not easy to get pictures of the kids because they hardly ever stand still.

Anyway, it was a fun afternoon. Couple more pics...

Then Mark got around to making the English Onion Soup for dinner. Thanks Jamie Oliver! It was delicious. Onion soup is one of our all-time favourite soups and Jamie Oliver's version uses about 5 types of onion (well, as many types as you can get). After a brief discussion on what a knob of butter was...and what constituted a glug of oil. We decided to live dangerously (rebels that we are!) and make an educated guess.

In the end it is simple to make, delicious and very filling. Perfect for this time of year. Unless you live in Australia...and then a nice salad might be preferable. The finished result....tasty and highly recommended!

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