Friday, January 23, 2009

Facebook...or not?

It's a beautiful, sunny crisp winter's day today...hurrah!

This weeks "dilemma" is whether to go on Facebook or not. I'm sure to anyone under 30 this is not even a decision that has to be thought about...just something that has to be done. I registered...and then the space of about 10 minutes (the time it took me to find out how to deactivate it). It's just not me. In some ways it seems like there is a need these days to hold on to friendships instead of letting them die a natural death. I can't think of anyone from the past (who I haven't maintained a friendship with) that I'd want to be reacquainted with. I'm not saying I'm not curious, but only marginally so. In other words, I'm just nosey. Then there's the list of friends. That just scares me - who has 200 friends? I suppose I can see why people use it (a lot of people). I just don't know if it's for me. But then again it is an easy way to keep in touch with people and "everyone" is on facebook...apparently. Mind you, a number of my friends (and you know who you are) are borderline Luddites for whom even e-mailing is a stretch. I know I won't find them on Facebook...and nor would I want to. Added to that I learned that Microsoft owns part of Facebook. So I think I answered my own question. No Facebook for now. And Mark still owes me $5 because we had a bet going that he would "cave" first and join, and he did.

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