Friday, January 16, 2009

Locarno in Fog

We went for a walk to Locarno Beach this morning. It is still quite foggy here and the beach looked quite different. We could hear the fog horns sounding from ships nearby, although we couldn't see them. I always find that sound haunting.

Bronwyn will build sandcastles anytime, whatever the weather (she takes it seriously).

River is more the contemplative type...

It cleared up a little after a while. This view looks west. The tide was high today, but at low tide you can walk all the way around the point and along the coastline. It is a very beautiful walk that Mark and I love to do in summer.

River loves the ocean.

And if there is something to climb, then Bronwyn will climb it.

Ellee came along and enjoyed a bit of a ball throw. She can't go for long before she needs a rest. But isn't she beautiful. I hope I look half so good when I am (let's see...13 x 7) 91!! Although I'd like a lot less hair thank you.

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