Monday, January 26, 2009

Gung Hat Fat Choy

Or Happy Lunar New Year... this is now the year of the Ox. I think I am a "Horse" in Chinese Zodiac. Maybe we'll head down to the Chinese New Year Parade on Sunday...something to think about.

Our weekend plans to visit friends were dashed at the last minute. We planned to get the ferry over to the Sunshine Coast on Saturday. Everything was ready and packed on Friday night. But River had been "offish" for a couple of days. He had a bad night on Friday and seemed to be sick...some kind of cold/flu/cough. One minute he seemed fine and the next he was unhappy and coughing. We decided not to put our friends through a sleepless night and so we are going to reschedule. Needless to say we were very disappointed. And poor Bronwyn was really disappointed not to visit and play with new friends. We had to make things better for her by taking her to Granville Island Kid's Market to get a new toy. A blue stuffed lobster finger puppet did the trick...wouldn't that make anyone feel better?

River seems fine today. It may just have been one of those things that kids do when you plan to go somewhere....bless.

On to projects. I still have to take pictures of the skirt I finished. In the meantime, I am quite proud of finishing my first sock. I am an avid long-time knitter, but I never understood the point of sock-knitting. Until now. I really enjoyed making this sock. I'm not sure why. It was quick to knit, relatively easy (therefore relaxing) and it looks cute. AND, seeing as we're enduring colder than average weather and I have been wearing my wellies daily for dog walks etc, then a woolly pair of socks is just the ticket. Of course the operative word is "pair"...I still have to knit the other one!

Unfortunately, the pictures aren't that great.

For the next sock...and future socks, I will tighten up my tension as I think I went a bit loose. I used Paton's Kroy sock yarn and Paton's free sock pattern.

While I am on projects, I also have to mention the beautiful scarf that Mark knit for River.

I taught Mark to knit over Christmas (very cool!) and his first project looks great. This picture doesn't do it justice. I will get a better one next time.

We got a cold, but sunny day and we had a good walk to the forest. I think Mark's next project should be to knit Bronwyn a scarf. She has asked for a red, yellow, blue, and pink one. Her favourite colours.

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