Sunday, September 18, 2011

Cascade Peninsula and other happenings....

Bronwyn skipping rocks into Harrison Lake

So here we are entering the 2nd...or is it 3rd week of September. Bronwyn is ensconced in her grade 2/3 split class; reacquainting with old friends and tentatively making the first strides towards new friendships. She is an assertive, straightforward girl...but she is shy to approach other kids she doesn't know. She told me at first that she wasn't going to be able to make friends. I gave her my pearls of wisdom: "Well young grasshopper, a wise woman once said, 'If you want a a friend'" (deep, I know). I think I got that from a fortune cookie. Or maybe I read it somewhere. That reminds me that I have a new pet peeve, particularly regarding websites and blogs. It is including out-of-context quotes (of wisdom?) from writers, philosophers, poets etc., in everything you write. Padding your writing with quotes from more intelligent, philosophical minds...does not mean that you are. It's getting tiresome. Let's face it...most quotes are harvested from a websites of quotations. If you Google 'Famous Quotes' plus your chosen subject, most likely you'll get pages containing bite-sized chunks of wisdom that you can take anywhere. It happens all the time on FB... Here's mine, "Random quoting of people who are wiser and more profound than you does not make you either wise or profound, or support your point (if you have one)". Feel free to use that. I think for fun I will add completely random quotes to this blog.

Last weekend we took a trip to beautiful Cascade Penninsula, a forestry campground on Lake Harrison. The weather was great; sunny and very warm. We did have to move camp spots because some rowdies turned up and played VERY BAD music loudly and non-stop. But once we moved it was fabulous. Bronwyn taught me to skip rocks and River had a great time. He absolutely loves camping and was really well behaved. Here are a few pictures.

Lake Harrison from Cascade Peninsula
Lake Harrison
Sticks are cool!

Bronwyn's "berry henna"

The closest we could get them for a picture!
Pressing on, pressing on...I have skipped a few blog-worthy things. Like the excellent night out I had with my wonderful sister. We went to see Ray LaMontagne at the Orpheum, then stayed the night at a hotel, and spent the following day lounging and then doing some downtown shopping (or rather requires having money). I live 20 minutes from downtown but very rarely go there. It felt like we were tourists. It was great fun. I am so lucky to have my sister and best friend living here in Vancouver. I took Bronwyn to the PNE to see Superdogs...she dressed as a dog. I got a kick that she's still unselfconscious enough to dress as a dog for Superdogs.

Bronwyn-the-dog petting "Pot Roast"

I have also done other stuff. Which will now be forgotten and lost in time. Oh well. Life can be go by fast sometimes. As I once read:

 "Contents and colours may vary. Please retain package for future reference." 

It was on a box of crayons. And it is very true, especially for a box of crayons; varied colours, I think, being an essential component. Worth remembering.

1 comment:

Wendy Flawn said...

You live in such a cool area, and seem to take advantage of it, well done! Love the pics, really love the ones where you and the kids are together, get someone to take more of you. Keep well wise one, need to talk to you about possible visit!!