Thursday, September 8, 2011


School has finally started! It's, like, totally awesome...seriously! As much as I love my spawn, I love them to be in school! Actually, it has only started for Bronwyn...River still has to wait for a couple of weeks. He is doing "gradual" entry to kindergarten...loosely defined as "not-very-gradual" entry at all. I am trying not to worry about River being in kindergarten. I think he will really enjoy it. It wasn't quite the back-to-school experience Bronwyn was hoping for; put in a kind of holding class where she knows no-one while school sort out their numbers and decide who is going where. Hopefully, she will be in her new class next week and can then start to make some friends. The aura of fear and excitement that surrounds the kids during the first days of the school year is almost palpable. Combined with the smell of cleaning fluid and wax crayons, it gives me vivid flashbacks of my own experiences, about 100 years ago.

Now it is time for me to begin thinking about going back to work. The type of work that you get paid to do. I'd like to get back into teaching, but I don't know how feasible that is going to be. I will need to do some research. If not teaching then I will have to think of something else.

Boring blog updates lately. Now I don't have children disrupting me every minute I may be able to write something down! We are enjoying some very good weather right we're still out and about with friends and having fun. Fall will likely see us begin to hibernate. I am already looking for a knitting project.


claire said...

Yey for River in Kindergarten!!!

Victoria said...

Thanks Claire...he has his first full day today. I am quite nervous for him. But he seems to be taking it in his stride. We still miss you!!

River still love to watch the video you made in preschool.