Tuesday, August 30, 2011


Got the results and the lump is benign. That word is music to my ears! Biopsies are no fun at all...neither is the wait (which, thankfully, was not very long). I shouldn't have to go back for another year. Hurray! Well, there is a chance that the lump will have to be removed anyway...but I am not bothered about that. It is not the same type of surgery as before and I think the surgeon may just decide to leave it for now. Now...back to summer. What?? There's only a week left! Then it's back to school for the kids who have reached the lolling about, bored, swinging legs and sighing stage of the summer holidays. To school with you!


Katrina said...

Such great news, Vic - I know I'm relieved so I can't imagine how you must feel!!! Phew.... :-)

Talking of lolling kids, we saw a totally mopey kid dragging a stick along the street with him yesterday - I thought the same thing, poor guy looks about ready to go back to school....stat!

Wendy Flawn said...

I could not be more pleased for you with your results, relief rocks!

I could do with another month of the summer hols if only the weather could keep up its end of the bargain. I am really not ready to hand over my youngest to the slaughter and the education system in this country. I really do wish I was that special sort of person who could home school. I am also not ready for that ritual of screaming - oops encouraging every one to be out of the door on time five days a week with sandwiches made bags packed and dressed appropriatly, not to mention that after school drag of this club and that club, tea and homework and not being able to get my glass of wine till it is all over. Bar humbug, bring back the summer holidays for me.


Victoria said...

@Wendy...well, when you put it like that, you may have a very good point! xxx